San Jose’s population is officially 1,006,892!
1,006,892—confirmed by the State Department of Finance on April 30th of this year. I thought it would be interesting to share how San Jose has grown since 1950. Take a look:
1950 95,000 residents
1955 112,000 residents
1960 204,000 residents
1965 328,000 residents
1970 459,000 residents
1980 629,000 residents
1985 782,000 residents
1990 894,000 residents
2000 950,000 residents
The General Plan 2040 Task Force is discussing land use and how that plays a part with San Jose’s growth through 2040. There are members of the task force and interest groups that would like to see San Jose grow to a population of 1,500,000 by 2040. I do not share this opinion and feel 1,200,000 is a more sensible number. I blogged about this in the past, advocating for “stage gates” and/or triggers so that we get more jobs and not just more housing.
The General Plan Task Force Meetings are public. We generally meet the last Monday evening of the month through 2011. I encourage you to attend.
This link to the Planning Department’s General Plan update provides more information.
On Sept. 28, the General Plan Task force will be taking up the topic of water supply. In past blogs I have written about the importance of recycled water to our city.
This discussion on future water supply coincides with a documentary film that I am showing at the City Hall Council Chambers in partnership with the Sierra Club and the Santa Clara Valley Water District. The film is called FLOW, and I am showing it on Monday, Sept. 21 at 6:45pm. FLOW was also an Official Selection for the Sundance Film Festival, and Wired Magazine called it “the scariest film in the festival.”
Please RSVP with me if you would like to attend since seating is limited. Cost is free.