(Mercury News 9/26/17)
State legislation AB1250 would negatively impact Santa Clara County. It would not only increase the cost of county government unnecessarily, but would also inflict harm on our most vulnerable residents.
Fortunately for taxpayers and recipients of county services, the bill stalled this month , but will likely be reconsidered in January. Passage would remove the flexibility of county government to partner with trusted non-profits that provide social services for our most needy residents. These established partnerships help more people and save money.
This legislation only serves one interest group: public employee labor unions. AB1250 would grow county government employee ranks, thus increasing union dues, which can then be spent on negative political campaigns. This bill would hurt the poor.
County government should strive to efficiently help those who cannot help themselves rather than potentially raising taxes yet again. Thank you to the Silicon Valley Council of Nonprofits for highlighting this outrageously bad bill.
Pierluigi Oliverio
Former member
San Jose City Counci